2- cups cubed beets (you can also try this with carrots)
2- quarts filtered water (if using sink water or unfiltered water, boil and let stand until cool, the chlorine in the water will inhibit growth of the good bacteria.)
2- teaspoons salt
Optional flavors:
1 thumb size piece of peeled ginger, cut in 4 pieces
1 Tbsp. lemon peel
1 Tbsp. orange peel
1 washed sprig of rosemary
2 Tbsp. fresh mint leaves
Scrub the beets, (or carrots) skins and all. Trim off the tops and tails. (If not organic, peel it)
Cut the beets into 1/2” cubes.
Place the beets in a large jar that can hold 2 ½ quarts or more.
Leave at least a half-inch of room from the top.
Add salt to the jar and optional flavorings. Stir with a plastic or stainless steel utensil (never wood)
Cover the jar tightly and let the jar stand at room temperature.
You may see bubbles inside the jar. If there isn’t enough space, leaking may come from the lid. It may be smart to put your jar on a towel or a plate, unless you are using a large jar to prevent a beet colored mess.
Open the jar at least once a day to (“burp”) release the built up gas and taste the liquid.
If any mold or scum has formed on the top simply skim it off and toss, as it is still healthy. (If you see blue mold, toss it out and use more salt on your next batch.)
When it tastes strong enough for your liking, 2 – 14 days depending on the temperature of the room. The colder it is, the longer it takes to ferment, the hotter, the faster. Faster is not equal to better though, so don’t rush it or it could taste too much like vinegar.
Strain out the liquid Kvaas into glass bottles and place into the refrigerator.
You may drink it right away, but it's often best after a few days in the refrigerator.
With the leftover beets you can add brine (2 tsp. salt and 2 quarts water) back into the jar for a 2nd fermented batch. It may take an additional day or two. Just repeat the above process.
This will last in the refrigerator for at least a month or longer. Then toss the beets or eat them in a salad.
When consuming probiotic foods and beverages, start with an ounce and work your way up to ¼ cup every day.